Your divine inheritance as a child of an abundant Creator is abundance. Taking it to its broadest sense, when I speak of abundance, I mean everything you need to live a full, happy, peaceful, healthy, well, prosperous life at all levels. I’m not just talking about having money.

Prosperity is a state of being, a state of consciousness. There are those who don’t have much money and feel prosperous and others who have a lot of money and feel poor. The same happens with those who are sick but fees happy and those who are healthy and feel miserable.

With a consciousness of prosperity you can achieve all your goals, because you’re certain that you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way. You know that success is yours, and that it’s a matter of time before it manifests itself on the physical plane.

The one that is abundant:

• Has good relationships.

• Has economic prosperity.

• Has health.

• Has good friends.

How you relate to each of these areas will depend on whether you feel prosperous or not. If there’s one of those areas in your life that doesn’t make you happy, you have to heal your relationship with it.

Giving and receiving are the same

Lesson 108 in A Course in Miracles says “To give and to receive are one in truth.” If you want to feel an attitude of prosperity throughout your life, it’s important to internalize this principle. As I mentioned, A Course in Miracles teaches that there are two ways of thinking, from fear, or from love. If you are thinking from love you will feel the abundance of the Father. On the contrary, fear leads you to thoughts of scarcity.

From your thoughts of fear, you have learned:

  • That if you give, you’ll have less left.
  • This leads you to compete to hoard more, or to refrain from giving, because you are running out.
  • The time has come to realize that the opposite is true. As you give, you receive. Therefore, the more you give, the more you receive.

There are people who know how to give but don’t know how to receive. Others know how to receive, but don’t know how to give. This creates an energetic imbalance that doesn’t allow inner peace to be achieved.

So far, I’ve commented on giving and receiving explicitly. There is another way you implicitly give and receive at all times. Since everything is energy, there is a constant exchange of energy between one thing and another, one person and another. You give what you are. If giving and receiving are the same, you are going to give what you want to receive.

In the next blog I will give you some exercises that will help you with this. I hope to see you.


Changing the focus of my attitude towards God changed my life. As a child, like most of us, I was taught that God was outside of me, in heaven. That he punished me if I misbehaved and was happy and would reward me if I behaved. All natural disasters, deaths, and misfortunes were attributed to God, because it was “God’s will.”

Aside from what we were taught in the religion we learned, our relationship with God is directly related to our relationship with our parents. In this life, they were our first experience with love. Since our parents did not understand the concept of unconditional love, the love they gave us was conditioned. From then on, that was our idea of ​​love. If you behave I love you, if you misbehave I punish you. In our minds as children, our parents were all powerful, they knew everything, they loved us and they punished us. In God we project the role of father, with all the attributes that we knew of what it was to be a parent, but with a much more exaggerated vision of His power.

I blamed God for all my unhappiness. The anger I had with Him when I believed that He had chosen me to go through such difficult situations in life was immense. Besides, I was terribly afraid of him because at any moment He could decide that I deserved some other punishment.

I was terrified of having to face everyone in the Final Judgment in order to be punished for some wrong that I had committed. This led me to want to be perfect, which brought a lot of stress and disappointment every time I failed. How could I have a good relationship with someone who caused me so much fear and anger?

It wasn’t until I found the wonderful book called A Course in Miracles that I began to know the true God. In reading this book I was faced with all my misconceptions, not only about God, but about myself and my perception of life.

Now I see God as the Totality of love, from where everything flows, including us. If God created us in His image and likeness, we are perfect, pure love, supreme intelligence, justice. The essence of God is always within us, because we are part of Him. In other words, God is the sum total of all His creation.

When we came to the third dimension of time and space, it was as if they put a veil on us and we forgot our perfection, our divine essence. We began to seek God outside of us, rather than within.

When I understood this, I began to search for Him within myself and I found Him. It has been a wonderful thing. To commune with Him, all I have to do is quiet my mind, so that I can hear and feel Him. God’s main way of speaking to us is through our feelings, through that inner voice that always knows where we have to go.

Another way of seeing God is by looking into the eyes of each being that comes into my life. The eyes are the windows of the soul and within each being is God. If I relate to every being that comes into my life, I am relating to God in him or her. It’s that simple.



A Course in Miracles (the Course) teaches that the only way to change your perceptions is through forgiveness. If you understood the explanation of projection from the previous blog, you already know that what you see outside that bothers you, is actually your own projection. Seeing it outside makes you angry. Therefore, when you forgive what you see in another, you are actually forgiving yourself for having that thought.

• The forgiveness the Course talks about is not the forgiveness we know where you see yourself as the saint and the other as the evil one. The Course says that the only thing that exists is love. That is our Reality. Everything that is not love is fear and fear is an illusion, it is not real.

• Continuing with the Course, to forgive is to realize that if your true essence is love and what is not love is not real, nothing really happened. That is, there is nothing to forgive.

• It is seeing God in the other, seeing the innocence that we all are.

• Realizing that when you or the other one are not acting from love, you are in fear and therefore the “wrong” act that you committed is nothing more than a crying out for love, to remind you who you really are.

• When someone does something that hurts you, instead of seeing them as guilty, you can choose to change your perception and see in that person someone who is hurt by circumstances from their past that have not yet healed. If you choose to change your perception, you will realize that you are seeing your wounds in the other and thus you will be able to forgive them more easily.

• You can always choose to think differently. Your reaction will depend on that.

Relationships that you have not completed are part of you, it does not matter if the person is with you or not. All the resentments and anger that come with a battered relationship are carried inside, like baggage, wherever you go. In most cases, we throw that baggage on those who least deserve it. That is why it is so important to complete all of our relationships.

One of the most powerful ways to complete a relationship is through a letter. This can be done even if the person has died. There is always communication on an energetic level.

The following exercise will help you to let go of the resentments that you may carry inside from past events:

• Start a letter to the person with whom you had an unfinished relationship. You are going to start the letter by saying “So and so, something I always wanted to tell you was … Here you are going to tell him everything you would have said if you had dared or had been allowed. For example,” Daddy, something I always wanted to tell you is that I needed you to spend more time with me. “

• Then you are going to say “The consequence of you being like that is … (Here you put the way in which your life was affected by that.) An example would be “The fact that you didn’t spend time with me brought as a consequence that I felt that I was not important. Therefore, I have always brought into my life people who have not valued me.

• In the next step you thank him for the lesson that this brought to your life, such as, “On the other hand I have to thank you because that feeling of not being worthy has made me work with my self-esteem and today my life and my relationships are better thanks to that”.

• You do those steps with everything you wanted to say and never said.

• This exercise will help you to say what you need to say, to realize how it affected you, and also to see that each experience brings learning.

• This letter does not need to be sent. Just writing it is enough.

You can write to as many people as you want. Forgiveness is an internal attitude that leads us to inner peace. You don’t need to tell anyone. Nor is it necessary to continue with the person we forgive, or to continue relating to that person. We merely see it in light and let it go.

The mirror or projection

According to A Course in Miracles, the fundamental law of the mind is that projection gives rise to perception. “The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that… It is the witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition. As a man thinketh, so does he perceive. Therefore, seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world. Perception is a result, and not a cause.” (

It is very difficult to recognize what you have in your unconscious. It is easier to see other people’s fault and not your own.  You can gradually recognize what you have to modify:

  • If you recognize that what you see outside of yourself is a projection of what’s inside;
  • If you are very aware of what you attract into your life;
  • And you see those things as a mirror of your interior.

Imagine the following:

  • Your mind is a projector.
  • Your thoughts are the movie, and;
  • Your life and its circumstances are what you see on the screen.
  • You are the writer and producer of your life.
  • You choose the actors who are going to act out your thoughts.
  • Then you forget and get angry with them because they are perfectly acting the role you gave them.

Instead of fighting with the film, what you have to do is change it. And understanding this, your awakening begins.  In the next blog I will give you an exercise that will help you to achieve it.

A Course in Miracles, a life changing experience

Let me introduce you the book that changed my life

In 1965, Dr. Helen Schucman, and Dr. Bill Thetford, both psychologists and agnostics, were colleagues at the School of Medicine and Surgery at Columbia University in New York.

One day, Helen began to have a series of psychic experiences. She called Bill and told him that an Inner Voice did not leave her alone saying, “This is a course in miracles. Please take notes.” Bill suggested that she take notes and decide the next day if it made sense or not.

Helen did this, and the process lasted seven years. Helen listened, wrote and both transcribed. The dictation was not automatic writing, nor was Helen in a trance. The Voice, which called itself Jesus, could stop while Helen continued her work.  

The manuscript, which is a teaching of spiritual psychology, was called A Course in Miracles (the Course). It is composed of:

  • the Text, which is fundamentally theoretical and exposes the concepts on which the Course’s thought system is based;
  • the Workbook which consists of 365 lessons, the practical application of the theory;
  • and the Teacher’s Manual, written in the form of Q&A, which answers some of the most common questions that students can ask themselves.

The Course’s mission is to help us achieve inner peace. Its goal is to teach us to eliminate the mental blocks that do not allow us to see our true essence, which is love.

The teachings of the Course have been so impressive that it has been translated into almost all the major languages.