Your divine inheritance as a child of an abundant Creator is abundance. Taking it to its broadest sense, when I speak of abundance, I mean everything you need to live a full, happy, peaceful, healthy, well, prosperous life at all levels. I’m not just talking about having money.

Prosperity is a state of being, a state of consciousness. There are those who don’t have much money and feel prosperous and others who have a lot of money and feel poor. The same happens with those who are sick but fees happy and those who are healthy and feel miserable.

With a consciousness of prosperity you can achieve all your goals, because you’re certain that you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way. You know that success is yours, and that it’s a matter of time before it manifests itself on the physical plane.

The one that is abundant:

• Has good relationships.

• Has economic prosperity.

• Has health.

• Has good friends.

How you relate to each of these areas will depend on whether you feel prosperous or not. If there’s one of those areas in your life that doesn’t make you happy, you have to heal your relationship with it.

Giving and receiving are the same

Lesson 108 in A Course in Miracles says “To give and to receive are one in truth.” If you want to feel an attitude of prosperity throughout your life, it’s important to internalize this principle. As I mentioned, A Course in Miracles teaches that there are two ways of thinking, from fear, or from love. If you are thinking from love you will feel the abundance of the Father. On the contrary, fear leads you to thoughts of scarcity.

From your thoughts of fear, you have learned:

  • That if you give, you’ll have less left.
  • This leads you to compete to hoard more, or to refrain from giving, because you are running out.
  • The time has come to realize that the opposite is true. As you give, you receive. Therefore, the more you give, the more you receive.

There are people who know how to give but don’t know how to receive. Others know how to receive, but don’t know how to give. This creates an energetic imbalance that doesn’t allow inner peace to be achieved.

So far, I’ve commented on giving and receiving explicitly. There is another way you implicitly give and receive at all times. Since everything is energy, there is a constant exchange of energy between one thing and another, one person and another. You give what you are. If giving and receiving are the same, you are going to give what you want to receive.

In the next blog I will give you some exercises that will help you with this. I hope to see you.

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