The treasure map is another very powerful manifesting technique. Mapping is a lot of fun and it helps you focus your energy on what you want. As I have already mentioned in other blogs, we always create with our thoughts. The treasure map helps us to do it consciously.
There are many kinds of maps, of different shapes and sizes. They can be made on cardstock, copier paper, in a folder, in a box, etc. Use your creativity. You can do it with drawings, or with a collage of photos and words from magazines.
The first question you will ask yourself is what you want your map for. They can be for:
• Relationships
• Talents
• Education
• Health
• Job
• Entertainment
• Holidays
• Self help
How to do it:
• The map should be simple.
• With clear illustrations.
• Maps need words. These are very powerful.
• Use affirmations giving thanks because your wish is already given.
• Watch carefully what you are thinking as you build it and make affirmations of power canceling negative thoughts.
• Place in the center anything that means to you the power of God as the Source of all good and includes the cosmic affirmation “This, its equivalent or something better manifests for me NOW, for my good and the good of all, in harmony for those around me”.
• Include a photo of yourself with your name and images of people enjoying what you want with which you identify.
• Include any adornments that represent to you the achievement of your wish.
• Don’t forget to add money in some way, if the desired asset requires financing. This can be play money, canceled checks. The important thing is the symbol that all money that is needed will come to you.
- Every day spend some time with your Treasure Map giving it energy.
- Focus on it.
- Feel all the emotions that already having what you want represents for you.
- Don’t hesitate or give it any negative thoughts.
- Continually be grateful that it is already given.
The image was taken from